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I am back once again Because of this.

yes I made a edit it was kinda hard not to his design is adorable ngl.

Although it aign't the best I just had nothing else to do so yeah here ya go.

I love this! Subscribed <3


Finally after a longgggg time I finally got 100% of everything my life is now accomplished, Anyways i really enjoyed the games it was fun ^^ and now ima go and stay up for 2 days/jk <3

How did you get last? Its to hard for me :(


honestly I don't remember much because i was speed rushing through it so when one didn't work i retried again and made a small difference to it and if that didn't work i just kept trying but if it was anything i think it was the closet hitting him then sleeping? I THINK 

You can find that in the guide :) it has a section on how to get each CG


its so simple, yet one of my fav games as of late, im not into the whole dog thing but his personality was so endearing that it was easily overlooked. i love simple sureal games like this it felt cozy. i liked all endings except the blood kiss lol, wish it was longer/there were more options. i also loved the awake/sanity concept, it made me go back to see if i would get another ending if the stats were different. also the going to class and replacing sleep with coffee felt very relatable. what i didnt understand is why did vance love us so much if he didnt know us before our encounter?

also kids, if you dont sleep for two days the only ghost you will encounter is your own XD 

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you may be unable to see him outside of those specific circumstances,  but it doesn't go both ways. consider him a long time secret admirer (with a lot of loneliness and touch starvation mixed in).  

can't guarantee he was 100% honest about not stalking you

as for the length and more options, im planning on branching it out more in an upcoming update, hopefully

thank you for taking the time to respond, so Vance is a liar! 

also yesssssssss the game is expanding :>


This was fun to play!

loved the video!


ironic since im staying up late playing this Vance is wworththe sleep deprivation


aww how flattering <3 now heed the warning and go the hell to sleep lol


I did, and hope you'll have a good, refreshing sleep too ;D


I am the true og numero uno fan of vance. I am glad that he gets more popular... little meow meow... sweet little baby...


vance is my babygirl


ooo i already saw it on tumblr, had no idea it was yours :0 he looks perfect <33


I love this so much!!! I had made some Vance art. I plan on making more canon Vance art this displays him perfectly

Thank you!!! I’d love to see your art as well :]

Do ya have twitter? My is the same name as here would love to be friends, if okay. 

omg idk why I didn't get a notif for this but I just saw it, my twitter is ratsformags

Ahh It's okay, I haved searched fer it and it was not there but if ya look fer @BloodToOurGods is mine, I have changed it recently. Direct message me so I can know its you.


Hi it’s me again the crazy person who loves this game, is there anywhere to send fanart for the game or is it fine to post in the comments?


wow i never really thought about that tbh... i do technically have a tumblr blog for tsosa, but its just a hot mess meme dump that nobody looks at rather than a proper social media page, so if you wanna show it off it's probably best to post it right here in the comments :)

(or if you'd rather send it privately, you can email it to )

Okay thank you! i’ll post it here and on tumblr just for the sillies 


Mman this game is really good.

It's so good i may have stayed up all night playing it. oops "^-^

God i love vance. Such a lovely creature-guy-thing.


aw im glad you enjoyed it so much! get enough sleep though before he comes for you


I made a playthrough of it, but it's quite tricky to figure out the right combination for all achivement ,soo it's not 100% complete playthrough but it's short and sweet game, 10/10 would not sleep again to see husbando

Okay so, when i was achievement hunting i looked through the files because all I needed was the last one and I got it but that neutral ending? I’m 100% convinced it does not even exist i made a whole ass diagram going through every choice to get it and all it did was help me get the last achievement but that neutral ending can kiss my ass. Anyway Vance is so silly I love this game sm and i had a blast doing all this for him 💗


There are, in fact, no neutral endings but goddamn do I respect your dedication to 100%ing this even after unlocking everything there was to unlock-

Anyw I'm really happy you got so much enjoyment out of the game (and the silly little guy) <33


How to get second good ending??? i only got the blood heart ending


I'm working on a guide, but in the meantime I can tell you if you email me at (since there's no way to spoiler text in the comments ^^")


Oh ,I can't do that but i will wait for the guide .Thank you btw!

(1 edit) (+1)

Alright, the guide is up :)


Oh ! I about to go to sleep but I think my mom wouldn't if i play a little :))


haha don't stay up too late, i got to know the irony of losing sleep for a game about losing sleep all too well during development :'D


aaa i have every achievement except the last one)): i cant seem to get it no matter what i do D: 
also whenever i try to open the unused kiss desc in extras, it instantly crashes the game?? 

(2 edits) (+1)

The code for that part is really simple and works fine for me and my testers, just checked it myself again. My best guess is that your file got damaged. I'll look into it more, but I'm 90% sure the problem is on your end - try redownloading the game and let me know if it fixes the issue.

No worries, your progress won't be lost - you can easily import your all your data  from the old game's save folder.  It's as simple as copy-pasting the files, but feel free to ask  if you need any help ^^

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As for the achievements, I might or might not put together a wiki/guide in the future

// edit: the guide has been made 

(1 edit)

if it still crashes for you, i think i figured out a fix (it'll be patched in 1.2, but in the meantime you can do it yourself):
open the custom_screens.rpy file in Notepad or any other text editor and replace ShowMenu("kissdesc") with

Show("kissdesc", transition=dissolve)


It's so cute! ! How can he be so cute,(Shouting with excitement! ! )I really want to know more about him!(Although I have a headache), I want to hug him tightly and tell him that I love him too!

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm so glad you like him :D he sure does need that hug


I ended up getting no sleep to play this game because I was trying to get all the achievements before closing it out and every other hour or so I manage to crank one out of my loads but i'm defeated here, i will try again because its wayyy to interesting to put to the side just yet.


update managed to get one right after posting this, last one i need im pretty sure is neutral ending but im tired and seeing vance in my dreams tonight is already a 99% possibility so i will be back tomorrow if i manage to 100% this

Deleted 60 days ago



man that's awesome, i honestly didn't think id see anyone actually 100% the game :D (or get as close as you did if you haven't 100%'d it yet) 


i need more vance crumbs </3 he's already growing on me


aw im so glad you like him :] (and he'd be too lol)


love me some whiney and pathetic man who might b the death of me <3 rlly love the horror elements of the game!! from the glitches to the jumpscares!!! and also the romance? im a sucker for cheesy shit so this rlly buttered my egg roll JDHSKJHCJDS the extras r fun too (but im still trying to find some of them lol) great game. vance babygirl.


thanks a lot :D the horror effects were so fun to code/make, im glad youre enjoying them :] vance babygirl (confirmed)

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