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this game moved me in such a raw and emotional way i don't think i'll ever be able to fully articulate ...thank you so much for allowing to experience this absolute gift 😔😔 

The game is literally Rebzyyx

unrelated to the game, (which i loved, vance is so cute) but jtlyk, the discord link in your neocities is expired! you can make a permanent link so it's not an issue in the future. i'd explain how but. i suck at explaining these things lol

oh, thank you for the heads up!

the neocities is a bit dead (i'll get around to reviving it... someday, probably), but here's the permanent link:

How can I just find this game?? It's sosososososososo cute. I really enjoyed this nice work. Though I haven't got all the endings?

I got 18 endings and if theres 2 more i cant find them- (I have all the achievements and CG's because i wanna 100% this game-)

Me interesa mucho pero me gustaria poder jugarlo en mi movil, podrias sacar una vercion de APK? No creo ser el unico con este problema y estaria muy agradecido si lo hicieras


THIS WAS SO GOOD love this silly little creature


AMAZING i need to see more of him!!


he's so silly HAHASHDSHFDSIB HS i lov him


Adore cada final del juego. Ahora tengo una nueva obsesión (que no creo que acabe ya que no puedo conseguir el segundo final secreto jaja)
Amo la estética del juego y el diseño de Vance. Mi final favorito son todos en los que Vance esta feliz ja.
Gracias por crear el juego, ojala hagas más en un futuro <33




back agajn just to say that im fallingf in love wigh this game again  . . . keep up the good work ( ^ω^ )

aw thanks!



Loved it so so much!!! Hes so pathetic but adorable! I love your artstyle and I 100% the game!


whoa nice, thanks :D

goes hard af

(2 edits) (+1)

Это было шикарно! Буду ждать ещё игр от вас! :) / It was awesome! I will be waiting for more games from you! :)


AMAZING, so cute and also violent, its a great mix of stuff so you still feel for him and love him and still keep all the violence and stuff. How many endings are there? i have 17 unlocked, is that all of them? I have been trying for a while.


real good


The description describing this as a creepypasta fanfic-esque game was somehow so accurate? It was a touch funny at times, relateable at others, and admittedly nerve wracking at some points. It experience, and I'd gladly go through it again.

Even though, can we talk about the achievements page? That really helped when trying to collect all the endings. Good job, dev!

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